NDP Training
Date: 31st July 2017
Fall In Time: 1600hrs
Dismissal Time: 1830hrs
- All to fall in in Half Uniform.
- Bring along PT kit and water bottle.
- Attendance is compulsory.
NDP Training
Date: 2nd August 2017
Fall In Time: 1430hrs
Dismissal Time: 1830hrs
- All to fall in in Half Uniform.
- Bring along PT kit and water bottle.
- Attendance is compulsory.
CI (NPCC) Jocelyn Heng
Drill Competition Training
Date: 24th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1600hrs
Dismissal Time: 1800hrs
- This activity only involves Sec2s and 3s.
- Sec2s and 3s to fall in in PT kit.
- Bring along Full Uniform, water bottle, black shoe polish and cloth.
Date: 26th July 2017
Bus Boarding Time: 1330hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- This activity only involves Sec1s and a Sec2.
- Cadets involved to gather in PT kit.
- Bring along water bottle.
- Cadets involved are allowed to leave class at 1245hrs.
Sec 2 Practice Shoot
Date: 27th July 2017
Bus Boarding Time: 1400hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- Sec2s to gather in Full Uniform.
- Bring along water bottle.
- Sec2s are allowed to leave class at 1300hrs.
NDP Training
Date: 28th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1400hrs
Dismissal Time: 1830hrs
- All to fall in in Mufti.
- Bring along Full Uniform, PT kit and water bottle.
CI (NPCC) Jocelyn Heng
Weekly Training
Date: 21st July 2017
Fall In Time: 1400hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- Sec1s to fall in in Full Uniform.
- Sec2s to fall in in Mufti.
- Bring along Full Uniform, PT kit and water bottle.
CI (NPCC) Jocelyn Heng
HFS Course
Date: 20th July 2017
Bus Boarding Time: 1300hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- This activity only involves Sec3s.
- Sec3s to report in Full Uniform.
- Bring long PT kit, writing materials, Ezlink card and water bottle.
- Sec3s are allowed to leave class at 1200hrs for lunch.
CI (NPCC) Jocelyn Heng
CSI Course
Date: 10th July 2017
Bus Boarding Time: 1245hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- This activity only involves Sec3.
- Sec3s to report in Full Uniform.
- Bring along PT kit, water bottle and writing materials.
- Sec3s can be released from class at 1145hrs.
NDP Training (Sec1s) & Drill Competition Training (Sec2s &3s)
Date: 12th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1530hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- Sec1s to fall in in PT kit.
- Sec2s and 3s to fall in in Full Uniform.
- Bring along PT kit and water bottle.
NDP Flag Party Training
Date: 12th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1430hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- Cadets involved to fall in in PT kit.
- Bring along water bottle.
Weekly Training
Date: 14th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1400hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- Sec1s to fall in in PT kit.
- Sec2s and 3s to fall in in Half Uniform.
- Bring along Full Uniform, PT kit and water bottle.
- Attire to be in tip top condition.
CI (NPCC) Jocelyn Heng
Drill Competition Training
Date: 5th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1430hrs
Dismissal Time: 1700hrs
- This activity only involves Sec2s and 3s.
- Sec2s and 3s to fall in in Full Uniform.
- Bring along PT kit and water bottle.
Weekly Training
Date: 7th July 2017
Fall In Time: 1400hrs
Dismissal Time: 1730hrs
- Sec1s to fall in in PT kit.
- Sec2s and 3s to fall in in Mufti.
- Bring along Full Uniform, PT kit and water bottle.
- Attire to be in tip top condition.
CI (NPCC) Jocelyn Heng